I was falling asleep in my Business Analytics class when WordPress notified that I had been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!!! It was a few weeks back, but thanks Audrey for the nomination. She had always been one of the inspiring bloggers who I look up to. Based in Singapore, Audrey tells great stories about her travels and simple living lifestyle. Please drop her a visit if you’re looking for some inspiration.


As per the rules of the award, here are seven facts about myself:

  1. I’m an Aries woman (and a fan of Horoscope).
  2. I don’t know how to drive a car, which I should have before going to New Zealand. Public transport isn’t really a thing here especially when it comes to the off-beaten tracks.
  3. I love skyping with my dog (currently living with my parents in Vietnam), even just to see him playing with his favourite toy. Isn’t it weird?
  4. Coming from a Southeast Asian country, I had never seen snow until last November. All I got was watching a snow shower through the glass windows in Prague, but it was exciting enough.
  5. I’m an expert procrastinator.
  6. One of my nick names is ‘Snail’ — ‘Oc’ in Vietnamese (which leads me to the next fun fact…)
  7. Vietnamese steamed snails with lime leaves is my favorite street food.

And my nominations to the Versatile Blogger Award go to…(drum rolling):

  1. Vylyst, an authentic Hanoi girl who finds art and beauty in everyday life.
  2. Cari’s Blog, where I’m so drawn to little stories, complex thoughts and short poems of (I imagine) a young life-loving soul.
  3. Unraveled Routes, journey of a lovely Indian couple through ‘secret destinations’ in their country.
  4. Self Wanderer, a Romanian girl who travels with style and offers insightful tips about her past destinations.

Congratulations to the nominees! Accepting the award is not compulsory in case you’ve declared award-free to your blog, at least you know someone is reading your stories and recognising your work. But if you say yes to the nomination, I’m so looking forward to your acceptance post and learning more about you. ❤

The Versatile is a chain-letter award given by bloggers to bloggers. It’s not commonly known where the Versatile Blogger Award is originated from but it has been a great way to discover and promote the work of newbies in the blogosphere. The criteria for nomination are: (1) the quality of the writing, (2) the uniqueness of the subjects covered, (3) the level of love displayed in the words on the virtual page, and (4) the quality of the photographs.

The rules are simple:

  1. Thank the nominator and provide a link to his or her blog.
  2. Nominate up to 10 bloggers of your choice.
  3. Link the nominees and inform them about their nomination.
  4. Share 7 facts about yourself.

20 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award

  1. Congratulation, Hue! Those are quite interesting facts, especially your nickname (matches very well your characteristic and your favourite dish) 😉 If you like snails, you should try Escagort (Frech snails) as well. Tastes different but quite good. And thanks a lot the nomination! Although I received this award a few months ago, I am still happy to be nominated again (well… who can say no to a nomination) 🙂 You can find my answers by clicking on the badge on my sites. By the way, where did you make your featured photo? It looks awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Len Kagami (your blog name sounds Japanese yeah? :P). I’ll try Escagort the next time I go to France. My couch-surfing host in Torino (Italy) took the photo for me when I visited her room. I was like ‘Wow’ the moment I walked in there. The colorful carpet in the background was bought in a Viennese market but I don’t remember where.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Just call me Len 🙂 Actually, it is the name of my camera – my companion and main character of this blog. Looking at the photo, I thought you were in an Indian palace or somewhere very exotic! 🙂


      2. Oh, I was thinking it’s the name of some Japanese anime character. How interesting so many assumptions turn out to be wrong until we start communicating. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Well, your assumption is partially right 😉 There is a Japanese android named Len Kagamine (my camera does not have the “ne”-ending though). You can say he is the little brother of the idol Hatsune Miku. He is quite popular as well and there are several videos featuring him 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations 💛💛💚💚💛💛 And Thank you so much for mentioning ‘Untraveled Routes’ there. I love your candid answers. I also don’t know how to drive😂 but planning to learn soon. Cheers, Charu

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Charu, you two deserve this nomination. I’ve heard of legendary traffic in India (hehe, just like Vietnam), but yeah a driving license would come in handy when you go overseas. 😀


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